1.Xiao Kong, Tomislav Cernava, Yanhui Wang, Decai Jin*. Native fungal community remains resilient during bioremediation of DBP pollution by exogenous Gordonia phthalatica QH-11. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 892, 164532.
2.Xiao Kong, Zhanbing Bai, Tuo Jin, Decai Jin*, Jiangang Pan, Xiangyang Yu, Tomislav Cernava. Arthrobacter is a universal responder to di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) contamination in soils from various geographical locations. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 422, 126914.
3.Wang Pei#, Kong Xiao#, Chen Hongsong#, Xiao Youlun, Liu Huijun, Li Xiaojuan, Zhang Zhuo, Tan Xinqiu, Wang Diandong, Jin Decai, Deng Ye, Cernava Tomislav. Exploration of Intrinsic Microbial Community Modulators in the Rice Endosphere Indicates a Key Role of Distinct Bacterial Taxa Across Different Cultivars. Frontiers in Microbiology 2021,12, 181.
4.Xiaoxiao Zhu#, Xiao Kong#, Sai Ma, Rui Liu, Xin Li, Shaobo Gao, Dunqiang Ren, Yuxin Zheng*, Jinglong Tang*. TGFβ/Smad mediated the polyhexamethylene guanide areosol-induced irreversible pulmonary fibrosis in subchronic inhalation exposure. Inhalation Toxicology. 2020,32(11-12):419-430.
5.Xiao Kong#, Zhenfei Han#, Xin Tai, Decai Jin, Sen Ai, Xiaoxu Zheng and Zhihui Bai*. Maize (Zea mays L. Sp.) varieties significantly influence bacterial and fungal community in bulk soil, rhizosphere soil and phyllosphere. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2020, 96, fiaa020.
6.Xiao Kong, Decai Jin*, Xin Tai, Hao Yu, Guilan Duan, Xiulan Yan, Jiangang Pan, Junhua Song, Ye Deng. Bioremediation of dibutyl phthalate in a simulated agricultural ecosystem by Gordonia sp. strain QH-11 and the microbial ecological effects in soil. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 667, 691-700.
7.Xiao Kong, Decai Jin*, Xinxin Wang, Fengsong Zhang, Guilan Duan, Huijun Liu, Minghong Jia, Ye Deng. Dibutyl phthalate contamination remolded the fungal community in agro-environmental system. Chemosphere 2019, 215, 189-198.
8.Xiao Kong, Decai Jin, Shulan Jin, Zhigang Wang, Huaqun Yin, Meiying Xu, Ye Deng*. Responses of bacteria community to dibutyl phthalate (DBP) pollution in a soil-vegetable ecosystem. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2018, 353, 142-150.
1. 肺部菌群通过IL-17B介导促进聚六亚甲基胍盐引起的肺纤维化作用研究,山东省自然科学基金青年项目,15万元,2021-2024,主持.
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3. 拟杆菌和梭菌在DEE暴露致气道重塑中的作用及胞外囊泡(EVs)的调控机制研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 57万元, 2021-2024, 参与.
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