
信息来源:bat365官网登录入口 发布时间:2020-12-28 15:39:10
序号 论文标题 作者 期刊名称
1 Association between air   pollution and lung development in school children in China 郑玉新 Journal of epidemiology and   community health
2 Critical biomarkers for   myocardial damage by fine particulate matter: Focused on PPARα-regulated   energy metabolism 晋小婷 Environ Pollut
3 Cardiac dysfunction and   metabolic remodeling due to seasonally ambient fine particles exposure 晋小婷 Science of the total   environment
4 Oxidative stress induced by   ultrafine carbon black particles can elicit apoptosis in vivo and vitro 郑玉新 Science of the total   environment
5 Particulate Matter 25   Induced Developmental Cardiotoxicity in Chicken Embryo and Hatchling 郑玉新 Frontiers in pharmacology
6 In ovo very early-in-life   exposure to diesel exhaust induced cardiopulmonary toxicity in a hatchling   chick model 郑玉新 Environ Pollut
7 Real-ambient exposure to air   pollution exaggerates excessive growth of adipose tissue modulated by Nrf2   signal 郑玉新 Science of the total   environment
8 Real-Ambient Particulate   Matter Exposure-Induced Cardiotoxicity in C57/B6 Mice 郑玉新 Frontiers in pharmacology
9 Carbon content in airway   macrophages and genomic instability in Chinese carbon black packers 郑玉新 Arch Toxicol
10 High-content analysis of   particulate matters-induced oxidative stress and organelle dysfunction in   vitro 郑玉新 Toxicology in Vitro
11 The promotion of   tetrabromobisphenol A exposure on Ishikawa cells proliferation and pivotal   role of ubiquitin-mediated IκB degradation 晋小婷 Ecotoxicology and   Environmental Safety
12 TBBPA stimulated cell   migration of endometrial cancer via the contribution of NOX-generated ROS in   lieu of energy metabolism 晋小婷 Journal of Hazardous   Materials
13 Emergence of Zika Virus in   Culex tritaeniorhynchus and Anopheles sinensis Mosquitoes in China 鲁晓晴 Virologica Sinica
14 Maize (Zea mays L Sp)   varieties significantly influence bacterial and fungal community in bulk   soil, rhizosphere soil and phyllosphere 孔晓 FEMS Microbiology Ecology
15 Occupational exposure to   carbon black nanoparticles increases inflammatory vascular disease risk: an   implication of an ex vivo biosensor assay 唐敬龙 Particle and Fibre   Toxicology
16 TGFβ/Smad mediated the   polyhexamethyleneguanide areosol-induced irreversible pulmonary fibrosis in   subchronic inhalation exposure 唐敬龙 Inhalation Toxicology
17 Gd-metallofullerenol drug   delivery system mediated macrophage polarization enhances the efficiency of   chemotherapy 唐敬龙 Journal of Controlled Release
18 Phosphatase SHP1 impedes   mesenchymal stromal cell immunosuppressive capacity modulated   by JAK1/STAT3 and P38 signals 蒋梦会 Cell & Bioscience
19 Synergistic effects of   depression and obesity on type 2 diabetes incidence in Chinese adults 张东峰 J Diabetes.
20 Association of Coffee,   Decaffeinated Coffee and Caffeine Intake from Coffee with Cognitive   Performance in Older Adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey   (NHANES) 2011-2014 张东峰 Nutrients.
21 Associations of dietary   vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folate equivalent   intakes with metabolic syndrome 张东峰 Int J Food Sci Nutr.
22 Association of dietary ω-3   and ω-6 fatty acids intake with cognitive performance in older adults:   National Health and nutrition examination Survey (NHANES) 2011-2014 张东峰 Nutr J.
23 Age at last birth and risk   of developing breast cancer: a meta-analysis 张东峰 Eur J Cancer Prev.
24 Association between coffee   consumption and functional disability in older US adults 张东峰 Br J Nutr
25 Association between dietary   protein intake and the risk of depressive symptoms in adults 张东峰 Br J Nutr.
26 Associations of different   types of dairy intakes with depressive symptoms in adults 张东峰 J Affect Disord.
27 Associations of Urinary   Phytoestrogen Concentrations with Sleep Disorders and Sleep Duration among   Adults 张东峰 Nutrients.
28 Heritability and genome-wide   association analyses of fasting plasma glucose in Chinese adult twin 王伟静 BMC Genomics.
29 Response to important   considerations when assessing the effect of essential fatty acids on   cognitive performance 张东峰 Nutr J.
30 Positive association between   soil arsenic concentration and mortality from alzheimer's disease in mainland   China 沈晓丽 J Trace Elem Med Biol.
31 Intakes of specific   categories of vegetables and fruits are inversely associated with depressive   symptoms among adults 张东峰 J Epidemiol.
32 Alcohol, Alcoholic Beverages   and Risk of Esophageal Cancer by Histological Type: A Dose-Response   Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies 张东峰 Alcohol Alcohol.
33 Exposure to air pollution   and cognitive impairment risk: a meta-analysis of longitudinal cohort studies   with dose-response analysis 张东峰 J Glob Health.
34 Associations of n-3, n-6   Fatty Acids Intakes and n-6:n-3 Ratio with the Risk of Depressive Symptoms:   NHANES 2009-2016 张东峰 Nutrients.
35 Association of Cesarean   Birth with Body Mass Index Trajectories in Adolescence 张东峰 Int J Environ Res Public   Health.
37 Altered clearance of   beta-amyloid from the cerebrospinal fluid following subchronic lead exposure   in rats: Roles of RAGE and LRP1 in the choroid plexus 沈晓丽 J Trace Elem Med Biol
38 Associations between PHACTR1   gene polymorphisms and pulse pressure in Chinese Han population 姜秀波 Biosci Rep
39 Effects of fucoidan on gut   flora and tumor prevention in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colorectal   carcinogenesis 梁惠 JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL   BIOCHEMISTRY
40 Lactobacillus caseiimproves   depression-like behavior in chronic unpredictable mild stress-induced rats by   the BDNF-TrkB signal pathway and the intestinal microbiota 梁惠 FOOD & FUNCTION
41 Association Between Retinol   Intake and Hyperuricaemia in Adults 孙永叶 Public Health Nutr.
42 Associations between dietary   iron intake from different sources and the risk of hyperuricemia among US   adults: a cross-sectional study 孙永叶 Food & Nutrition   Research
43 A double burden of   tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus and the possible role of vitamin D   deficiency 汪求真 ClinNutr.
44 Stem Cell Seeded and Silver   Nanoparticles Loaded Bilayer PLGA/PVA Dressings for Wound Healing 高田林 MACROMOLECULAR BIOSCIENCE
45 Adjunctive Vitamin A and D   During Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial With a   2 × 2 Factorial Design 马爱国 Food Funct
46 Joint replenishment of zinc   and folic acid enhances the anti-depressive effect of paroxetine via   increasing serum calcium and copper and decreasing serum arsenic 马爱国 NeurosciLett.
47 Increased vegetable and   fruit intake is associated with reduced failure rate of tuberculosis   treatment: a hospital-based cohort study in China 马爱国 Br J Nutr
48 Long-Term Effects of   Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Treatment on Gut Microbiota and Its Health   Consequences 王锦雨 Frontiers in Microbiology
49 Construction of food-grade   pH-sensitive nanoparticles for delivering functional food ingredients 熊珂 Trends in Food Science &   Technology
50 Correlating furfural   reaction pathways with interactions between furfural and monometallic   surfaces 熊珂 Catalysis Today
51 Efficacy of proprietary   Lactobacillus casei for anti-tuberculosis associated gastrointestinal adverse   reactions in adult patients: a randomized, open-label, dose-response trial 马爱国 Food & Function
52 Integration of an   interpretable machine-learning algorithm to identify early life risk factors   of childhood obesity among preterm infants: a prospective birth cohort 李铎 BMC Medicine
53 Dietary patterns and   anemia morphology in young men and women in Shandong province, China 李铎 Asia Pacific Journal of   Clinical Nutrition
54 Effects of consuming red   furu (fermented bean curd) on serum vitamin B12, homocysteine and other   cardiometabolic risk factors in young healthy volunteers: A randomized   controlled trial 李铎 Asia Pacific Journal of   Clinical Nutrition
55 Econutrition, brown and   beige fat tissue and obesity 李克磊 Asia Pacific Journal of   Clinical Nutrition
56 Different metabolism of EPA,   DPA and DHA in humans: A double-blind cross-over study 李铎 PROSTAGLANDINS LEUKOTRIENES   AND ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS
57 The combination effect of   vitamin K and vitamin D on human bone quality: a meta-analysis of randomized   controlled trials 李铎 Food & Function
58 Contribution of diet to gut   microbiota and related host cardiometabolic health: The diet-gut axis in   human health 李铎 Gut Microbes
59 High-fat, low-carbohydrate   diet was associated with unfavourable impact on colonic luminal   microenvironment 李铎 Gut
60 Vitamin D and liver cancer   risk: A meta-analysis of prospective studies 李铎 Asia Pacific Journal of   Clinical Nutrition
61 Lowering effects of fish oil   supplementation on proinflammatory markers in hypertension: results from a   randomized controlled trial 李铎 Food & Function
62 Ximenynic Acid Regulation of   n-3 PUFA content in liver and brain 李铎 Lifestyle Genomics
63 Unconjugated and secondary   bile acid profiles in response to higher-fat, lower-carbohydrate diet and   associated with related gut microbiota: A 6-month randomized   controlled-feeding trial 李铎 Clinical Nutrition
64 Health effects of vitamin   and mineral supplements 李铎 British Medical Journal
65 Human milk microbiota   development during lactation and its relation to maternal geographic location   and gestational hypertensive status 李铎 Gut Microbes
66 Quantifying the Effect of   Supplementation with Algae and Its Extracts on Glycolipid Metabolism: A   Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials 钟凤 Nutrients
67 Food consumption and mild   cognitive impairment in Qingdao rural elderly: a cross-sectional study 钟凤 APJCN
68 Omega-3 polyunsaturated   fatty acids prevent obesity by improving tricarboxylic acid cycle homeostasis 陈磊 Journal of Nutritional   Biochemistry
69 Combination of Inositol   Hexaphosphate and Inositol Inhibits Liver Metastasis of Colorectal Cancer in   Mice Through the Wnt/β-Catenin Pathway 宋扬 OncoTargets and Therapy
70 The Effects of Cellulose on   AOM/DSS-treated C57BL/6 Colorectal cancer Mice by Changing Intestinal Flora   Composition and Inflammatory factors 宋扬 Nutrition and Cancer:An   International Journal
71 Inositol Hexakisphosphate   and Inositol Enhance the Inhibition of Colorectal Cancer Growth and Liver   Metastasis by Capecitabine in a Mouse Model 宋扬 Nutrition and Cancer
72 Vitamin D and non-alcoholic   fatty liver disease: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 郭晓飞 Food & Function
73 Association of Dietary   Micronutrient Intake with Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment Failure Rate:   ACohort Study 熊珂 Nutrients
74 Effects of resistant starch   on glycemic control: a systematic review and meta-analysis 熊珂 British Journal of Nutrition
75 Collagen Hydrolysate   Corrects Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease via Anti-Inflammatory   Renoprotection and HIF-2α-Dependent Erythropoietin and Hepcidin Regulation 朱素芹 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND   FOOD CHEMISTRY
76 Dietary resveratrol   attenuated colitis and modulated gut microbiota in dextran sulfate   sodium-treated mice 齐策 Food & Function
77 Oxidized Pork Induces   Oxidative Stress and Inflammation by Altering Gut Microbiota in Mice 孙进 Molecular nutrition and food   research
78 Dietary methionine   restriction improves the gut microbiota and reduces intestinal permeability   and inflammation in high-fat-fed mice 孙进 Food & function
79 Dietary Methionine   Restriction Ameliorated Fat Accumulation, Systemic Inflammation, and   Increased Energy Metabolism by Altering Gut Microbiota in Middle-Aged Mice   Administered Different Fat Diets 孙进 J. Agric. Food Chem
80 A pregnancy   complication-dependent change in SIgA-targeted microbiota during third   trimester 孙进 Food & function
81 Effect of different levels   of dietary methionine restriction on relieving oxidative stress and   behavioral deficits in middle-aged mice fed low-, medium-, or high-fat diet 孙进 Journal of Functional Foods
82 Nicotinamide riboside   alleviates alcohol-induced depression-like behaviours in C57BL/6J mice by   altering the intestinal microbiota associated with microglial activation and   BDNF expression 梁惠 FOOD & FUNCTION
83 Lactobacillus caseiimproves   depression-like behavior in chronic unpredictable mild stress-induced rats by   the BDNF-TrkB signal pathway and the intestinal microbiota 梁惠 FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL   IMMUNOLOGY
84 Effects of fucoidan on gut   flora and tumor prevention in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colorectal   carcinogenesis 梁惠 JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL   BIOCHEMISTRY
85 Aplysin Retards Pancreatic   Necrosis and Inflammatory Responses in NOD Mice by Stabilizing Intestinal   Barriers and Regulating Gut Microbial Composition 梁惠 MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION
86 Effect of B vitamins   supplementation on cardio-metabolic factors in patients with stable coronary   artery disease: A randomized double-blind tria 梁惠 ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF   CLINICAL NUTRITION
87 Effect of nicotinamide   riboside on lipid metabolism and gut microflora-bile acid axis in   alcohol-exposed mice 梁惠 Food Science & Nutrition
88 Receptor-Bound   Perfluoroalkyl Carboxylic Acids Dictate Their Activity on Human and Mouse   Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ 李传海 Environ Sci Technol
89 Perfluoroalkyl Substances   Stimulate Insulin Secretion by Islet β Cells via G Protein-Coupled Receptor   40 李传海 Environ Sci Technol
90 L-Carnitine Is Involved in   Hyperbaric Oxygen-Mediated Therapeutic Effects in High Fat Diet-Induced Lipid   Metabolism Dysfunction 姜启晓 Molecules
91 Genome‑wide analysis of   prognostic‑related lncRNAs, miRNAs and mRNAs forming a competing endogenous   RNA network in lung squamous cell carcinoma 赵艳洁 J Cancer Res Clin Oncol
92 BRCA1-Associated Protein Is   a Potential Prognostic Biomarker and Is Correlated With Immune Infiltration   in Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Pan-Cancer Analysis 赵艳洁 Frontiers in Molecular   Biosciences
93 NFE2L2 Is a Potential   Prognostic Biomarker and Is Correlated with Immune Infiltration in Brain   Lower Grade Glioma: A Pan-Cancer Analysis 赵艳洁 Oxidative Medicine and   Cellular Longevity
94 Integration of proteomics,   lipidomics, and metabolomics reveals novel metabolic mechanisms underlying N,   N-dimethylformamide induced hepatotoxicity 于典科 Ecotoxicology and   Environmental Safety
95 MicroRNA hsa-miR-1301-3p   regulates human ADH6, ALDH5A1 and ALDH8A1 in the ethanol-acetaldehyde-acetate   metabolic pathway 于典科 Molecular Pharmacology
96 Coordinated Regulation of   UGT2B15 Expression by Long Noncoding RNA LINC00574 and hsa-miR-129-5p in   HepaRG Cells 于典科 Drug Metabolism and   Disposition
97 A toxicity pathway-oriented   approach to develop adverse outcome pathway: AHR activation as a case study 于典科 Environmental Pollution
99 MiR-486-5p-directed   MAGI1/Rap1/RASSF5 signaling pathway contributes to hydroquinone-induced   inhibition of erythroid differentiation in K562 cells 于典科 Toxicology in Vitro
100 FREMSA: A Method That   Provides Direct Evidence of the Interaction between microRNA and mRNA 于典科 Methods Mol Biol.
101 Caloric restriction   attenuates C57BL/6 J mouse lung injury and extra-pulmonary toxicity induced   by real ambient particulate matter exposure 于典科 Particle and Fibre   Toxicology
102 Application of cell-based   biological bioassays for health risk assessment of PM25 exposure in three   megacities, China 于典科 Environment International
103 SFPQ is involved in   regulating arsenic-induced oxidative stress by interacting with the   miRNA-induced silencing complexes 于典科 Environmental Pollution
104 Identification of Leukocyte   telomere length-related genetic variants contributing to predisposition of   Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 于典科 Journal of Cancer
105 Long noncoding RNA   LINC00844-mediated molecular network regulates expression of drug   metabolizing enzymes and nuclear receptors in human liver cells 于典科 Archives of Toxicology
106 Using a lentivirus-based   inducible RNAi vector to silence a gene 于典科 Methods Mol Biol.
107 Antidiabetic activity in   vitro and in vivo of BDB, a selective inhibitor of protein tyrosine   phosphatase 1B, from Rhodomela confervoides 罗娇 British journal of   pharmacology
108 Binding properties of marine   bromophenols with human protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B: Molecular docking,   surface plasmon resonance and cellular insulin resistance study 罗娇 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
109 16S rRNA Sequencing and   Metagenomics Study of Gut Microbiota: Implications of BDB on Type 2 Diabetes   Mellitus 罗娇 Marine Drugs
110 CYC31, A Natural Bromophenol   PTP1B Inhibitor, Activates Insulin Signaling and Improves Long Chain-Fatty   Acid Oxidation in C2C12 Myotubes 罗娇 Marine Drugs
111 Genome-wide DNA methylation   analysis of cognitive function in middle and old-aged Chinese monozygotic   twins 王伟静 J Psychiatr Res
112 Generalized correlation   coefficient for genome-wide association analysis of cognitive ability in   twins 张东峰 Aging (Albany NY)
113 Alginate Oligosaccharide   Prevents against D-galactose-mediated Cataract in C57BL/6J Mice via   Regulating Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant System 张东峰 CURRENT EYE RESEARCH
  Genetic and environmental variation in educational attainment: an   individual-based analysis of 28 twin cohorts
116 Association between Dietary   Protein Intake and Cognitive Function in Adults Aged 60 Years and Older 张东峰 JOURNAL OF NUTRITION HEALTH   & AGING
  Alginate Oligosaccharide Alleviates Monocrotaline-Induced Pulmonary   Hypertension via Anti-Oxidant and Anti-Inflammation Pathways in Rats
118 The Genetic Architecture of   the Clustering of
  Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: A Study of 8- to 17-Year-Old Chinese Twins
张东峰 Twin
  Res Hum Genet
119 The Relationship Between   Serum Copper and Overweight/Obesity: a Meta-analysis 姜秀波 Biol Trace Elem Res.
120 Evaluation of the reporting   quality of observational studies in master of public health dissertations in   China 周晓彬 BMC Medical Research   Methodology
121 Lower circulating zinc and   selenium levels are associated with an increased risk of asthma: evidence   from a meta-analysis 吴义丽 Public Health Nutr.2020;   23(9): 1555-1562.
122 Gender difference in the   association between smoking and lung function: exploring the role of   C-reactive protein as mediating factor 吴义丽 Public Health. 2020; 183:   88-93.
123 C-reactive protein mediates   the association between leisure-time physical activity and lung function in   middle-aged and older adults 吴义丽 BMC Public Health. 2020; 20   (1): 6.
124 Eating and communication   difficulties as mediators of the relationship between tooth loss and   functional disability in middle-aged and older adults 吴义丽 J Dent. 2020; 96: 103331.
125 Poor lung function   accelerates cognitive decline in middle-aged and older adults: Evidence from   the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing 吴义丽 Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2020;   90: 104129.
126 The promotion of   tetrabromobisphenol A exposure on Ishikawa cells
  proliferation and pivotal role of ubiquitin-mediated IκB
晋小婷 Ecotoxicology and   Environmental Safety
127 The association between   Dietary Inflammatory Index and disability in older adults 张东峰 Clinical Nutrition
128 Critical biomarkers for   myocardial damage by fine particulate matter: Focused on PPARα-regulated energy   metabolism 晋小婷 Environmental Pollution
129 Defatted flaxseed flour   improves weight loss and lipid profile in overweight and obese adults: a   randomized controlled trial 李铎 Food & Function
130 Association between air   pollution and lung development in schoolchildren in China 郑玉新 J Epidemiol Community Health
131 Association of Weight Loss   from Early to Middle Adulthood and Incident Hypertension Risk Later in Life 郑玉新 Nutrients
132 Effects of peanut meal extracts   fermented by Bacillus natto on the growth performance, learning and memory   skills and gut microbiota modulation in mice 胡迎芬 British Journal of Nutrition
133 Effects of the extract from   peanut meal fermented with Bacillus natto and Monascus on lipid metabolism   and intestinal barrier function of hyperlipidemic mice 胡迎芬 Journal of the Science of   Food and Agriculture
134 Fish Consumption and   Coronary Heart Disease A Meta- Analysis 马爱国 Nutrients
135 Fruit and Vegetable Intake   and the Risk of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Dose-Response   Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies 姜文洁 BioMed Research   International
136 Dietary Vitamin E Intake Was   Inversely Associated with Hyperuricemia in US AdultsNHANES 2009-2014 孙永叶 Annals of Nutrition and   Metabolism
137 The Evaluation of the   Reporting Quality of Observational Studies in Urological Journals 周晓彬 BMJ Open
138 Small Airway Wall Thickening   Assessed by Computerized Tomography Is Associated With Low Lung Function in   Chinese Carbon Black Packers 冷曙光 Toxicological Sciences
139 Emerging Sand Fly–Borne   Phlebovirus in China 鲁晓晴 Emerging Infectious Diseases
140 The Associations of Fruit   and Vegetable Intake with Lung Cancer Risk in Participants witn Different   Smoking Status: A Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies 李铎 nutrierts
141 Dietary intakes of fruits   and vegetables and lung cancer 李铎 Asia Pacific Journal of   Clinical Nutrition
142 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and   Total Cancer Incidence and Mortality: A Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort   Studies 梁惠 Nutrients
143 Nrf2 modulated the   restriction of lung function via impairment of intrinsic autophagy upon   real-ambient PM2.5 exposure 郑玉新 Journal of Hazardous   Materials

