
信息来源:bat365官网登录入口 发布时间:2019-12-06 09:50:06
序号 题目 作者 杂志
1 High-fat,   low-carbohydrate diet was associated with unfavourable impact on colonic   luminal microenvironment 李铎 Gut
2 Relationship   between retinol and risk of diabetic retinopathy: a case-control study. 李铎  Asia Pac J Clin Nutr.
3 The   Associations of Fruit and Vegetable Intake with Lung Cancer Risk in   Participants with Different Smoking Status: A Meta-Analysis of Prospective   Cohort Studies 李铎 Nutrients
4 Fruit   and vegetable intake and liver cancer risk: a meta-analysis of prospective   cohort studies 李铎 Food   & Function
5 N-3   Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Decrease Long-Term Diabetic Risk of Offspring of   Gestational Diabetes Rats by Postponing Shortening of Hepatic Telomeres and   Modulating Liver Metabolism 李铎 Nutrients
6 Effect   of Betaine on Reducing Body Fat—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of   Randomized Controlled Trials 李铎 Nutrients
7 Effects   of dietary fat on gut microbiota and faecal metabolites, and their   relationship with cardiometabolic risk factors: a 6-month randomised   controlled-feeding trial 李铎 Gut
8 Changes   of urine metabolites in response to n-3 fatty acid supplements and their   correlation with metabolic risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes 李铎 Food   & Function
9 Lowering   Effects of n-3 Fatty Acid Supplements on Blood Pressure by Reducing Plasma   Angiotensin II in Inner Mongolia Hypertensive Patients: A Double-Blind   Randomized Controlled Trial 李铎 J   Agric Food Chem
10 Endogenously synthesized n-3 polyunsaturated   fatty acids in pregnant fat-1 mice decreases mammary cancer risk of female   offspring by regulating expression of long noncoding RNAs 李铎 Mol   Nutr Food Res
11 Advances   in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid nutrition 李铎  Asia Pac J Clin Nutr.
12 Relationship   between erythrocyte phospholipid fatty acid composition and obesity in   children and adolescents 李铎 J   Clin Lipidol
13 Geographical   location specific composition of cultured microbiota and Lactobacillus   occurrence in human breast milk in China 齐策、孙进 Food   & Function
14 Platinum   nanoparticles as a therapeutic agent against dextran sodium sulfate-induced   colitis in mice 朱素琴 International   Journal of Nanomedicine
15 Depolymerized   RG-I enriched pectin from citrus segment membrane modulates gut microbiota,   increases SCFAs production, promotes the growth of Bifidobacterium spp.,   Lactobacillus spp. and Faecalibaculum spp.  李珊 FOOD   & FUNCTION
16 Patterned   Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogel Dressings with Stem Cells Seeded for Wound Healing 高田林 马爱国 POLYMERS
17 The   association between functional dyspepsia and depression: a meta-analysis of   observational studies 马爱国 EUROPEAN   JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY
18 Poor   Vitamin D Status in Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients and Its   Correlation with Leptin and TNF-α. 马爱国 J   Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 
19 Effects of EPA and DHA on blood pressure and inflammatory factors: a   meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. 郭晓飞、李克磊、李娇妹 Critical   reviews in food science and nutrition 
20 Flavonoid   subclasses and type 2 diabetes mellitus risk: a meta-analysis of prospective   cohort studies 郭晓飞、李铎 Critical   reviews in food science and nutrition 
21 Mutations   in ASH1L confer susceptibility to Tourette syndrome(IF:11.973,1区) 梁惠 Mol   Psychiatry.
22 Propolis   modulates the gut microbiota and improves the intestinal mucosal barrier   function in diabetic rats(IF:3.743,3区) 梁惠 Biomed   Pharmacother
23 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Total Cancer Incidence and Mortality: A   Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies(IF:4.171,2区) 梁惠 Nutrients
24 Red   yeast rice ameliorates high-fat diet-induced atherosclerosis in Apoe mice in   association with improved inflammation and altered gut microbiota composition(IF:3.241,1区) 梁惠 Food&Function
25 Relationship   between carbohydrate intake and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in   Chinese adults: data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS)(IF:1.375,4区) 马岩 Asia   Pac J Clin Nutr
26 Poor   Sleep Quality Is Associated with a Higher Risk of Pulmonary tuberculosis in   Patients with a Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Course for More than 5 Years. 汪求真 Jpn   J Infect Dis.
27 Association   of dietary fiber intake with hyperuricemia in U.S. adults.  孙永叶 Food   Funct.
28 Association   between serum ferritin and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease among   middle-aged and elderly Chinese with normal weight.  孙永叶(通讯) Asia   Pac J Clin Nutr
29 Multiple   organ injury in male C57BL/6J mice exposed to ambientparticulate matter in a   real-ambient PM exposure system in Shijiazhuang, China  郑玉新 Environ   Pollut
30 FLT1   hypermethylation is involved in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons-induced cell   transformation 郑玉新 Environ   Pollut
31 Gd-Metallofullerenol   nanoparticles cause intracellular accumulation of PDGFR-α and morphology   alteration of fibroblasts 唐敬龙 Nanoscale
32 The   essential role of CYP2E1 in metabolism and hepatotoxicity of   N,N-dimethylformamide using a novel Cyp2e1 knockout mouse model and a   population study 冷曙光 Arch   Toxicol
33 CD14   dictates differential activation of mesenchymal stromal cells through AKT,   NF-κB and P38 signals 蒋梦会,朴金梅 Bioscience   Reports
34 The role of positively charged sites in the   interaction between model cell membranes and γ-Fe2O3 NPs  魏潇然 Sci   Total Environ
35 Polystyrene   microplastics cause tissue damages, sex-specific reproductive disruption and   transgenerational effects in marine medaka (Oryzias   melastigma) 鹿琳 Environ   Pollut
36 Association   between dietary carotenoid intakes and hypertension in adults: National   Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-2014. 张东峰 Journal   of hypertension
37 Association   of Dietary n3 and n6 Fatty Acids Intake with Hypertension: NHANES 2007-2014. 张东峰 Nutrients
38 Dietary   magnesium intake and risk of depression 张东峰 Journal   of affective disorders
39 Exposure   to Chinese famine in early life and the risk of dyslipidemia in adulthood 张东峰 European   journal of nutrition
40 Synergistic   effects of depression and obesity on type 2 diabetes incidence in Chinese   adults 张东峰 Journanl   of diabetes
41 Age   at last birth and risk of developing epithelial ovarian cancer: a   meta-analysis. 张东峰 Bioscience   reports
42 Age   at Menopause and Risk of Developing Endometrial Cancer: A Meta-Analysis. 张东峰 Biomedical   Research international
43 Association   between Hypertension and the Risk of Parkinson's Disease: A Meta-Analysis of   Analytical Studies. 张东峰 neuroepidemiology
44 Association   of ADHD medications with the risk of cardiovascular diseases: a   meta-analysis. 张东峰 European   child & adolescent psychiatry
45 Heritability   of Age-Related Hearing Loss in Middle-Aged and Elderly Chinese: A   Population-Based Twin Study 张东峰 Ear   and hearing
46 Maternal   diabetes mellitus and risk of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome: a   meta-analysis. 张东峰 Acta   diabetologica
47 The   association of serum zinc and copper with hypertension: A meta-analysis. 张东峰 J   TRACE ELEM MED BIO
48 Feasibility   of endoscopic treatment and predictors of lymph node metastasis in early   gastric cancer 周晓彬 World   J Gastroenterol
49 Reporting   and Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses of Nursing   Interventions in Patients With Alzheimer's Disease: General Implications of   the Findings. 周晓彬 J   Nurs Scholarsh
50 Response   to: Comment on "Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic   Accuracy of miRNAs in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer". 周晓彬 Dis   Markers
51 Sugar-sweetened   beverages consumption and the risk of depression: A meta-analysis of   observational studies 姜文洁 Journal   of Affective Disorders
52 Dietary   calcium intake and the risk of metabolic syndrome:evidence from observational   studies 姜文洁 Public   Health Nutrition
53 Alcohol   Consumption and Functional Limitations in Older Men: Does Muscle Strength   Mediate Them? 吴义丽 JOURNAL   OF THE AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY
54 Cognition   Mediates the Relationship Between Sensory Function and Gait Speed in Older   Adults: Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing 吴义丽 JOURNAL   OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE
55 Impact   of obesity and physical inactivity on the long-term change in grip strength   among middle-aged and older European adults 吴义丽 Journal   of Epidemiology and Community Health
56 Weak   Grip Strength and Cognition Predict Functional Limitation in Older Europeans 吴义丽 Journal   of The American Geriatrics Society
57 Lower   circulating zinc and selenium levels are associated with an increased risk of   asthma: evidence from a meta-analysis 吴义丽 Public   Health Nutrition
58 Tea   consumption and risk of fractures:an updated meta-analysis 姜秀波 Osteoporosis   International
59 The   association between serum zinc level and overweight/obesity: a meta-analysis 姜秀波 European   Journal of Nutrition
60 Breastfeeding   and risk of habitual snoring in children: A meta-analysis 姜秀波 Maternal   & Child Nutrition
61 The   Relationship Between Serum Copper and Overweight/Obesity: a Meta-analysis 姜秀波 Biol   Trace Elem Res 
62 iron   concentration does not differ in blood but tends to decrease in cerebrospinal   fliud in Parkinson's disease  沈晓丽 Frontier   s in neuroscience 
63 Association   of Zinc, Iron, Copper, and Selenium Intakes with Low Cognitive Performance in   Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study from National Health and Nutrition   Examination Survey (NHANES) 李素云 J   Alzheimers Dis
64 Ultrafine   CB-induced small airway obstruction in CB-exposed workers and mice 郑玉新 SCIENCE   OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
65 Pulmonary   toxicities from a 90-day chronic inhalation study with carbon black   nanoparticles in rats related to the systemical immune effects 郑玉新 INTERNATIONAL   JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE
66 Therapeutic   potential of selective histone deacetylase 3 inhibition. 姜启晓 Eur   J Med Chem.
67 Prevalence   and Associated Risk Factors of Chronic Kidney Disease in an Elderly   Population from Eastern China. 崔莲花 Int   J Environ Res Public Health.
68 CYC27   Synthetic Derivative of Bromophenol from Red Alga Rhodomela confervoides:   Anti-Diabetic Effects of Sensitizing Insulin Signaling Pathways and   Modulating RNA Splicing-Associated RBPs 罗娇 Marine   drugs
69 Highly   selective protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor, 2,2’,3, 3’-tetrabromo-4,   4’, 5, 5’-tetrahydroxydiphenylmethane, ameliorates type 2 diabetes mellitus   in BKS db mice 罗娇 Molecular   Pharmaceutics
70 A   Novel CD40L Mutation Associated with X-Linked Hyper IgM Syndrome in a Chinese   Family 纪静 Immunol   Invest
71 Identification   of a miRNA‑mRNA network associated with lymph node metastasis in colorectal   cancer 赵艳洁  ONCOLOGY   LETTERS 
72 Perfluorooctanoic   acid-induced toxicities in chicken embryo primary cardiomyocytes: Roles of   PPAR alpha and Wnt5a/Frizzled2. 姜启晓 Toxicol   Appl Pharmacol. 
73 Discovery   of N-(2-Aminophenyl)-4-(bis(2-chloroethyl)amino)Benzamide as a Potent Histone   Deacetylase Inhibitor. 姜启晓 Front Pharmacol.
74 Different   metabolism of EPA, DPA and DHA in humans: A double-blind cross-over study. 郭晓飞,李铎 Prostaglandins   Leukot Essent Fatty Acids.
75 Lower   Circulating Branched-Chain Amino Acid Concentrations Among Vegetarians are   Associated with Changes in Gut Microbial Composition and Function 李铎 Mol   Nutr Food Res
76 Habitual   animal fat consumption in shaping gut microbiota and microbial metabolites. 李铎 Food   & Function.
77 Preparation   of Icaritin-Loaded mPEG-PLA Micelles and Evaluation on Ischemic Brain Injury 徐丽洒 Journal   of Biomedical Nanotechnology
78 nicotinamide   riboside alleviates alcohol-induced depression-like behaviours in C57BL/6J   mice by altering the intestinal microbiota associated with microglial   activation and BDNF expression. 梁惠 Food   & Function.
79 Differential   Heat-Induced Changes in Phenolic Acids Associated with Genotypic Variations   in Heat Tolerance for Hard Fescue 王锦雨 Crop   Science
80 Efficacy   of a Proprietary Lactobacillus casei for Anti-tuberculosis associated   Gastrointestinal Adverse Reactions in Adult Patients: A Randomized,   Open-label,Dose-response Trial  马爱国 Food   & Function.
81 Ximenynic   Acid Regulation of n-3 PUFA content in liver and brain. 李铎  Lifestyle Genomics
82 Contribution   of diet to gut microbiota and related host cardiometabolic health: The   diet-gut axis in human health. 李铎 Gut   Microbes
83 Unconjugated   and secondary bile acid profiles in response to higher-fat,   lower-carbohydrate diet and associated with related gut microbiota: A 6-month   randomized controlled-feeding trial. 李铎 Clin   Nutr
84 Effects   of n-3 fatty acid supplements on cardiometabolic profiles in hypertensive   patients with abdominal obesity in Inner Mongolia: a randomized controlled   trial. 李铎 Food   Funct.
85 Association   of erythrocyte n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids with incident type 2 diabetes   in a Chinese population. 李铎 Clin   Nutr
86 Biomarker   of Long-Chain n-3 Fatty Acid Intake and Breast Cancer: Accumulative Evidence   from an Updated Meta-Analysis of Epidemiological Studies. 李铎 Crit   Rev Food Sci Nutr.
87 Soy   Products Ameliorate Obesity-Related Anthropometric Indicators in Overweight   or Obese Asian and Non-Menopausal Women: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized   Controlled Trials. 汪求真 Nutrients
88 The   development of a cell-based model for theassessment of carcinogenic potential   upon long-term PM2.5 exposure 郑玉新  Environ Int
89 Carcinogenic   risk of N-Nitrosamines in Shanghai Drinking Water: Indicationsfor the Use of   Ozone Pretreatment 郑玉新  Environ Sci Technol
90 High-content   analysis of particulate matters-induced oxidative stressand organelle   dysfunction in vitro 郑玉新  Toxicol In Vitro
91 Multiple   organ injury in male C57BL/6J mice exposed to ambientparticulate matter in a   real-ambient PM exposure system in Shijiazhuang, China 郑玉新 EnvironPollut
92 Ambient   PM2.5 caused depressive-like responses throughNrf2/NLRP3 signaling pathway   modulating inflammation 郑玉新  J Hazard Mater
93 Time-course   effects of antioxidants and phase II enzymes on dieselexhaust   particles-induced oxidative damage in the mouse lung 郑玉新  Toxicol ApplPharmacol
94 Occupational   exposure to diesel engine exhaust and alternations in serum microRNAs 郑玉新  AACR Annual Meeting 2019
95 Application   of biomarkers in the study of the health effects of disinfection by-products, 郑玉新 Current   Opinion in Environmental Science & Health

